I've typically been a big proponent of getting smaller vendors exposure if they have some great products on hand, and my brief meeting with Deepcool suggested to me that there's a lot of potential there. Deepcool is a startup based out of Beijing with a few solid-looking, well-priced heatsinks to their credit.

The coolers aren't super exciting, but many have direct-touch heatpipes and all have compelling prices; the 400 in the bottom right corner looks to be competitive with the Cooler Master Hyper 212 line with its $29 price tag, and Deepcool is slowly making inroads towards distribution in the United States with vendors like NewEgg. They're also working on opening an office in Los Angeles, California.


Deepcool also had on offer a line of fans, but interestingly their 140mm fan still uses standard 120mm mounts, making it an interesting upgrade opportunity for end users who want to get a little more cooling power in their system without having to run a fan at a higher speed.

Finally, Deepcool had this monster on offer. This is a heatsink with eight individual heatpipes (no direct touch cooling), and should provide pretty stellar cooling power when paired with the right 120mm fans.

As with many smaller companies it's a wait and see approach, but we'll be evaluating Deepcool products as they become available to let you know if you should be keeping an eye on them.


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  • SeeManRun - Thursday, January 10, 2013 - link

    The 400 in the lower right corners looks a lot like my Noctua cooler I have. Is there anything special about these, or are they just copies of successful existing coolers made in China for cheap?

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