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As with all Promise controller cards, the FastTrack shipped with their own UltraTune configuration software that supposedly optimizes the performance of your hard disk for business/gaming applications or audio/video editing applications. UltraTune basically optimizes your system for random access or sequential read/write access depending on the type of application "optimization" you select from within the utility. A feature unique to FastTrack's UltraTune utility is the ability to control the PCI bus utilization of the controller, however for optimal performance you'll never want to drop the PCI bus utilization from the maximum possible value.

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Windows NT was a little more difficult to setup with the FastTrack controller, as AnandTech did encounter a few compatibility problems during the setup phase. Luckily, the latest version of the FastTrack drivers worked well enough for the test system to complete the compatibility testing with more than decent marks. There are still a few areas of improvement with the drivers under Windows NT, but it seems like Promise will do nothing but strive to eliminate their weaknesses in that respect as they already have shown in recent times.

Installation The FastSwap Pro
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