12:35PM EDT - Live from WWDC, it's the AnandTech Live Blog

12:37PM EDT - Josh is on photos and Ryan is on text

12:38PM EDT - The show doesn't start for another 20 minutes, but Apple has a large crowd here, so seating started early

12:39PM EDT - This year Apple has expaded the keynote from Moscone to the larger Search Results Bill Graham Civic Auditorium, where they've held previous iDevice events


12:39PM EDT - While not really about the keynote, it's worth mentioning that this environment is really testing the limits of the WiFi/LTE systems in laptops and other mobile devices.

12:40PM EDT - The Razer Blade I'm using has noticeable reception issues at the edge compared to the HTC 10 and Apple Macbook. -Josh

12:43PM EDT - The HTC 10 is definitely faring far better here than the One M7 as well, which is a surprise. By about an extra 4-8 dBm which is a fairly enormous improvement.

12:45PM EDT - There have been rumblings of a focus on services this go around but I'm just sitting here wondering when we'll get new Macbook Pros -Josh

12:48PM EDT - WiFi here is also fairly slow, on the order of 500 Kbps symmetrical so we will be using lower quality images to try and keep things going smoothly here

12:48PM EDT - WiFi here is... tempermetal. So hopefully things calm down once the presentation starts

12:52PM EDT - Today is going to be a busy day. Along with the WWDC keynote, E3 is going on in LA

12:53PM EDT - Microsoft has already announced a new Xbox One hardware revision, and there are still PC and Sony shows to come: http://www.anandtech.com/show/10416/microsoft-announces-xbox-one-s-console-a-slimmer-design


01:05PM EDT - Recap time. Tim is giving a brief overview of the success of the Apple developer ecosystem

01:06PM EDT - Apple is going to talk about four platforms today

01:07PM EDT - Mac, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and Apple TV

01:07PM EDT - (Yes, that was a 5 item list)

01:08PM EDT - watchOS, TV OS, OS X, and iOS are the four platforms

01:08PM EDT - First up, watchOS

01:09PM EDT - Developered cheered when app launch time was mentioned

01:09PM EDT - Diving right into new features. Discussing launch times on watchOS 2 vs. watchOS 3

01:10PM EDT - Apple's trying to take it all in stride, but launch times on watchOS 2 are legitimately poor

01:10PM EDT - watchOS 3 also adds a dock

01:11PM EDT - Reply options are now built into the message screen

01:13PM EDT - (Apple is blitzing through watchOS announcements very quickly)

01:13PM EDT - Reply options, new watch faces, "scribble" text input

01:13PM EDT - Now it's demo time

01:14PM EDT - Continuing to demonstrate the watchOS speed improvements

01:17PM EDT - Demoing that scribble supports Chinese characters as well as English characters

01:18PM EDT - Also demoing a new SOS mode for easier contacting of emergency services

01:19PM EDT - Now talking about watchOS workout functionality

01:19PM EDT - New feature: activity sharing

01:20PM EDT - Swipe to the right of activity entries to share them with others. Can see how you compare to your friends

01:21PM EDT - You can also smacktalk your friends, for those with a more competitive edge

01:22PM EDT - Now talking about disability accessibility and how to measure activity for wheelchair users

01:23PM EDT - There is now a wheelchair user setting that changes how activities work, and adding activities more suitable for wheelchair users

01:23PM EDT - "There's a lot more to health that just fitness"

01:23PM EDT - New health app: breathe

01:24PM EDT - Deep breathing exercise app

01:26PM EDT - WatchOS 3 will add a number of new APIs as well

01:26PM EDT - Fitness apps can run in the background

01:26PM EDT - SpriteKit and SceneKit are coming to watchOS, as are Game Center and CloudKit

01:27PM EDT - Preview release available today

01:27PM EDT - Final version released as a free upgrade to all users this fall

01:27PM EDT - Next up: tvOS

01:29PM EDT - Coming to Apple TV: Sling, Fox Sports, Molotov.tv (France), and a number of new apps

01:30PM EDT - Siri improvemnts for tvOS

01:30PM EDT - You can now search by topic

01:31PM EDT - Demoing "find high school comedies from the 80s"

01:32PM EDT - Now discussing cable TV provider authentication and how much of a pain it us

01:33PM EDT - New feature: single sign on. Do it once at the OS level, and apps can tap into that

01:33PM EDT - Coming to iOS as well

01:33PM EDT - New dark mode for dark rooms

01:33PM EDT - Auto app downloading to Apple TV is coming as well

01:34PM EDT - Coming over to tvOS from iOS: ReplayKit, PhotoKit, and HomeKit

01:34PM EDT - Dev preview today, final version in the fall

01:35PM EDT - Now up: OS X

01:35PM EDT - Talking about naming and how OS X has been in the name of the OSes since 2001

01:36PM EDT - OS X's name is finally being brought (back) in-line with the other OSes

01:36PM EDT - Say hello to macOS

01:36PM EDT - (What's old is new again)

01:36PM EDT - Next version of macOS: Sierra

01:36PM EDT - Focuses: continuity, iCloud, and the Mac experience

01:37PM EDT - New feature: auto unlock

01:38PM EDT - Automatic unlocking using the Apple Watch as a proximity token

01:38PM EDT - New Feature: Universal Clipboard

01:38PM EDT - (Crowd ooohs before it's even described)

01:38PM EDT - Copy & pasting between iOS and macOS devices

01:39PM EDT - Desktop files will now be available via iCloud as well

01:40PM EDT - Optimized storage: cloud storage of older files, be it photos, documents, mail attachments, or movies

01:40PM EDT - Also being added: a disk cleanup function to clear out caches, trashes, etc

01:41PM EDT - Apple Pay news

01:42PM EDT - ApplePay on the web

01:42PM EDT - Works in conunction with continuity

01:43PM EDT - Bringing on developers already, support in multiple countries

01:44PM EDT - Also new: picture-in-picture support

01:44PM EDT - Last and not least of course: Siri on the Mac

01:45PM EDT - Siri now on the dock

01:45PM EDT - (Sorry about the lack of photos for a bit. Josh broke a cable)

01:46PM EDT - Now demoing macOS Siri

01:46PM EDT - (Siri in Sierra, that can't be a coincidence)

01:46PM EDT - Showcasing photo drag & drop from Siri results

01:47PM EDT - Demoing how all of this works with the universal clipboard as well

01:49PM EDT - Picture-in-picture demo: going PiP with video sources other than video files, such as streaming video

01:50PM EDT - macOS Sierra dev preview today, a public beta later this summer, with a final release in the fall

01:50PM EDT - Now up: iOS 10

01:51PM EDT - Raise to Wake

01:51PM EDT - Also expanding the use of 3D Touch

01:52PM EDT - Demoing how additional 3D Touch actions interact with notifications

01:54PM EDT - (This presentation is very 3D Touch-centric. If you felt like it wasn't being used very often on iOS 9, iOS 10 will change how you feel)

01:54PM EDT - That was a very quick look at the new lockscreen and homescreens of iOS 10

01:55PM EDT - Now on to Siri on iOS

01:55PM EDT - Opening up Siri to developers

01:55PM EDT - Showing how Siri can interact with the WeChat app

01:56PM EDT - Using natural language processing alongside the name of the app

01:57PM EDT - QuickType

01:57PM EDT - "Bringing Siri intelligence to the keyboard"

01:57PM EDT - Better intelligent text suggestions based on context

01:58PM EDT - And better retrieval of contact and location data

01:59PM EDT - Photos

01:59PM EDT - Advanced Computer Vision for Photos

02:00PM EDT - Adding facial recognition, processed locally

02:00PM EDT - (This is where those Series 7XT GPUs will really come in handy)

02:00PM EDT - Can also ID scene types, water, outdoors, etc

02:01PM EDT - Photo clustering by IDing photos that are related

02:02PM EDT - Demo time

02:03PM EDT - Showcasing how iOS 10 is collating all of this information

02:03PM EDT - Identifying trips/vacations, etc

02:03PM EDT - (Josh: this is so HTC)

02:04PM EDT - Automatic video montages...

02:07PM EDT - macOS gets many of these features as well, including the image recognition

02:07PM EDT - Now on stage: Eddy Cue

02:08PM EDT - Showing off a new version of Maps

02:08PM EDT - Better searching, traffic en-route, etc

02:08PM EDT - Integration with car instrument panels; turn-by-turn on your instrument panel

02:08PM EDT - Adding developer integration for Maps as well

02:09PM EDT - Book an Uber inside of Maps

02:09PM EDT - Extensions open to all developers

02:10PM EDT - Demo time

02:12PM EDT - Overall this looks a lot like the old iPod/music app at times

02:12PM EDT - Lyrics support is now built in

02:14PM EDT - Artist Connect is still there

02:16PM EDT - Updated experience coming to all Apple Music platforms, including Android

02:16PM EDT - Apple News updates

02:17PM EDT - (Reminder: AT is on Apple News as well)

02:17PM EDT - News has been given a redesign as well

02:17PM EDT - Adding subscriptions

02:18PM EDT - Using National Geographic and the Wall Street Journal as an example

02:18PM EDT - Breaking news notifications as well

02:18PM EDT - HomeKit

02:19PM EDT - New HomeKit app: Home

02:21PM EDT - Home is built in to Control Center

02:22PM EDT - Home can also do geofencing/geo-aware actions

02:22PM EDT - Phone

02:22PM EDT - Voicemail transcription (in beta)

02:23PM EDT - Adding extension API to allow users to subscribe to services that can ID phone calls (i.e. spam)

02:24PM EDT - VoIP API so that incoming VoIP calls in other apps behave like the Phone application

02:24PM EDT - You can also call out via VoIP-capable apps, which will now show up as options under Contact entries

02:24PM EDT - Messages

02:24PM EDT - Adding rich links

02:25PM EDT - Demoing inline video playing

02:25PM EDT - Bigger Emoji

02:25PM EDT - 3x bigger

02:26PM EDT - Highlighting emoji-able words

02:26PM EDT - Bubble effects

02:27PM EDT - Tapbacks as well

02:28PM EDT - Handwritten messages, sketches

02:29PM EDT - Demo time

02:36PM EDT - Back to announcemnts. Like many other apps, Messages is being opened up to developers

02:38PM EDT - Showing extensions. Stickers, placing lunch orders (group collab), etc

02:40PM EDT - Notes collaboration, conversation view in Mail, image stabilization in live photos, and Safari split view on iPad

02:40PM EDT - Now a word on privacy

02:41PM EDT - Apple is reiterating their stance on privacy and using end-to-end encryption

02:41PM EDT - And how all deep learning takes place locally, instead of on a centralized server

02:41PM EDT - (Apple is, if nothing else, in the business of selling hardware, not data)

02:42PM EDT - Differential privacy

02:42PM EDT - "One More Thing"

02:43PM EDT - A promo video

02:44PM EDT - Dev preview today

02:44PM EDT - Public beta in July

02:44PM EDT - Final version in the fall

02:44PM EDT - Back to Tim

02:46PM EDT - Talking Swift adoption

02:46PM EDT - New iPad app: Swift Playgrounds

02:47PM EDT - Trying to make Swift programming more accessible than ever

02:47PM EDT - Demo time

02:48PM EDT - (This is very LOGO-ish or other click & build coding environments, at first glance)

02:49PM EDT - Very youth-oriented

02:54PM EDT - Dev preview today, public beta next month, and will be in the app store when iOS 10 ships in the fall

02:54PM EDT - Free

02:55PM EDT - Video reel time

02:56PM EDT - (Hypercard, anyone?)

02:59PM EDT - Tim said it would be jam packed and he didn't lie. Apple's needed to go through all of this at warp speed

03:01PM EDT - And that's a wrap

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  • lefenzy - Monday, June 13, 2016 - link

    What's up with the full-screen LG OLED TV ad with close button on the front page?
  • TrucchiOfficial - Monday, October 17, 2016 - link

    Lol why are people so angry over here? this thing is amazing stop complaining enjoy <a href=https://www.eurotrucchi.com>iOS Trucchi</a> thats the best if you dont like it jump ship to Android
  • TrucchiOfficial - Monday, October 17, 2016 - link

    Lol why are people so angry over here? this thing is amazing stop complaining enjoy <a href="https://www.eurotrucchi.com">iOS Trucchi</a> thats the best if you dont like it jump ship to Android
  • r3loaded - Monday, June 13, 2016 - link

    Oh god, shut up about the watch already Apple. No one wants one and no one cares.
  • jameskatt - Tuesday, June 14, 2016 - link

    About 15 million Apple Watches sold the first year generating $10 Billion for Apple with very high consumer satisfaction. Speeding up the Apple Watch with WatchOS 3 by 7x is a big deal.
  • dsumanik - Friday, June 17, 2016 - link

    7x the speed of a turtle is still slow as fuck! Also, quoting sales numbers and consumer satisfaction quite literally outs you as viral commenting shill trying to manipulate stock prices...like 90% of the internet account snow.

    Fail harder next time?
  • Dennis Travis - Monday, June 13, 2016 - link

    Did anyone catch what the oldest Macs are that will run Sierra? A blog says late 2007 iMac but i swear what apple put up there said 2010 or later.
  • Ryan Smith - Monday, June 13, 2016 - link

    iMac & MacBook: 2009
    MacBook Pro, Mac Mini, Mac Pro, & MacBook Air: 2010
  • jameskatt - Tuesday, June 14, 2016 - link

    Looks like Apple supports Macs up to 7 years old. That"s a pretty long lifetime for a computer.
  • fanofanand - Monday, June 13, 2016 - link


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